An Asheville that Everyone Can Call Home
Vision. Practicality. Collaboration.
Kevan Frazier for Asheville City Council
Kevan is a leader who listens deeply, considers thoughtfully, and acts decisively for the benefit of his neighbors. He works in South Asheville and calls Downtown home. Kevan needs your vote for Ashevile CIty Council in 2024.

What kind of community are we building?
Let’s build a community in which ALL residents feel safe, welcome, and know they belong.
Let’s build a community in which our neighbors feel heard, seen, and respected.
Let’s build a community in which all residents find meaningful and prosperous work, enjoy an reasonable cost of living, and benefit from careful environmental stewardship.
Vision. Practicality. Collaboration.
Kevan Frazier for Asheville City Council

A Close-Knit Family
Kevan was born in Asheville and raised in Candler. His parents Donna and Nelson Frazier both worked for the telephone company Southern Bell. Donna was a telephone operator. Nelson was a lineman and later a manager. They raised him to always be kind and respectful of others, and to find ways to help others. Kevan pursued a career in education because through education people can discover themselves, and learn to make meaningful contributions to the world. Learn more.
A Lifelong Volunteer
Kevan is a lifelong volunteer. For many years now, Kevan has mentored emerging leaders and helped them hone their skills so they can better serve our community. He’s been an instructor for Leadership Asheville and Leadership Asheville Seniors. Kevan is a Freemason–yes, the ancient secret society–and he has volunteered at our local Asheville Masonic Temple on Broadway. Serving on the board, he made decisions that helped save the building from sale and helped restore it. Now, you can catch live music and other performances there. Learn more.
Building Community Through Local Businesses
Kevan’s desire to create a safe, welcoming space for everyone spurred his decision to open Well Played Board Game Café. People of all ages gather and put down their screens while they socialize, make new friends, and challenge one another in friendly competitions. He also founded Asheville by Foot and gives dozens of talks on Asheville history each year. Kevan has presented multiple times at Creative Mornings, at Tedx UNC Asheville, as well as on C-SPAN. Learn more.
“Folks want to get along with their neighbors and want to be part of a community they feel has their back. That’s the community that I want us to build.”
Kevan Frazier, educator, community builder, Asheville native